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hAhB hChD hEhF hGhH hIhJ hKhL hMhN hOhP hQhR hShT hUhV hWhX hYhZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
ASHIRVAD hospital & researc 44
ASHIRWAAD hospital 5
ASHOK hospital 16
ASMATH ayurveda hospital 44
ASSURED hospital services 42
ASTHA hospital 42
BASSI hospital (1986) 16
BAWA hospital 5
BHAKTI VEDANTA hospital 44
BHATIA hospital +leaf 42
COASTAL CARE hospital +bird 44
COLOURS children hospital 44
CONTINENTAL hospital +flowe 44
DBH dr. BENGALI hospital 5
DEVKAMAL hospital +squares 41, 42
DH dimag hospital 5, 16
DHAKAAN hospital +cross 16
DHILLON hospital 42
FAUZIYA hospital 42
FRONTIER ENT hospital +face 10
GREENS AYUR hospital +leaf 42
HI-TECH hospital 42
HN hospital NEEDS +oval 16
HOPE children's hospital 42
I care eye hospital +square 44
JAWAHAR eye hospital +eye 10
JEEVANAM ayurveda hospital 42
KARANVIR hospital 42
KARKHANIS hospital 42
KDA hospital +circles 9, 10, 42
KH kaderi hospital +eye 44
KLS memorial hospital +oval 44
KRISHNA hospital +snakes 42
LADY CARE women's hospital 44
LIMRA hospital +cross shiel 44
M.R.P. hospital 42
MADHU hospital 42
MANAK health care hospital 42
MANODISHA hospital 42
MAX hospital +cross & hands 16
MAXWELL hospital +cross han 44
MERRYGOLD hospital +flower 10, 42
MRR child e hospital 42
NEH national eye hospital 42
NEOTIA ELBIT hospital 42
OJJUS goodwill hospital 42
OMEGA PLUS hospital +flower 44
ORBIS FLYING eye hospital 41, 42
P.D. HINDUJA hospital 16
PAMNANI HRC hospital 42
PARIVAR hospital +ovals arc 44
hospital 44
PHENOMENAL hospital +heart 35
PUSHPANJALI hospital 42
PUSHPANJALI hospital +cross 42
RAINBOW hospital +triangles 44
S SHEKHAR hospital +cross 5
SARAS hospital 42
SARVODAYA hospital 42
SEKHON hospital 42
SIVODAYA hospital +circle 42
SMH shree MANGALAM hospital 42
SUCHAK hospital 5
SURIYARAJA hospital +sun 44
THE SUSHRUT hospital 42
THIND eye hospital 42
TREE G eye care hospital 44
UDAI OMNI hospital 44
UTTAM hospital +hands & lam 42
V VASAVI hospital +plant 44
VI VASUNDHARA hospital +ova 44
VIMS hospital 42
VIMS speciality hospital 42
VIRTUAL hospital 16
VYDEHI hospital 42
W GOLDEN hospital +hands 44
hospital 44
bhopal fracture hospital BF 42
city hospital RESEARCH +ova 42
dental hospital +cartoons 44
eye-care hospital +oval eye 44
hicare hospital +oval & arc 35
hv VISHWANATH hospital 16
janta hospital 42
sri SAI KAMALA hospital 42
used most in hospital 5
virtual hospital 9
hospitality world +globe 16
C CELEBRATIONS hospitality 35
CARLSON hospitality worldwi 16
CHA college of hospitality 41
CHECK-INN hospitality 9
CLEAN-N-CLEAR hospitality 37
CU CHEFS UNITED hospitality 43
hospitality 41
IHHR hospitality 16, 42
K RAHEJA hospitality 42
KHFM hospitality +tick 35, 43, 44, 45
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